Todo List
Needed Improvements
- localization: sort by targets, IOException
- Use dataHeader to optimize for MM6/7or8 game versioning
- Item info order is wrong for last few fields for MM6
- Display item info
- Terrain normal distances seem to have swapped axis
- LightSource Attributes orderings are inconsistent between versions.
- Light Source controls needed.
- duplicate/add/delete lod resources and files
- Show lod file index as part of tree view
- mapResetCount is probably a 2-byte short with another 2-byte-short field following it.
- Decode dlv remaining data.
- Fix control array index # to be adjusted number
- Show variable dlv unknown3 records
- Handle offsets in blv Unknown0 data
- Items in chest control array
- create decoding table tool and handler
- decode identified status bits - 0/1 id, 0/2 broken, 0/4?
- handle special magic in chest items, gold in items
- decode unknown3 in chest items (item class?)
- Dirty status for handler data changes
- lodresourcecontroller instance tracker (especially for dirty data)
- Add new/changed palette support for importing sprites.
- Remove sprite loading lookup table objects and read array directly
- Pal handler imports
- Bin file handlers
- Raw file imports
- MM7 and MM8 level format differences
- Some events have different formats
- Odm/blv/ddm/dlv have slightly different formats for mm7 and mm8
→ mkienenb
Useful Enhancements
- PageUp/PageDown for scroller in displayed components.
- Retrieve save panel from application controller for persistence
- Multiple monitor panel (a la eclipse background tasks)
- Refactor UnlodFrame into display and control classes
- Provide separate getData for raw/decoded composite data
- Have icon palettes as part of getData/writeData
- Load in multiple-image formats.
- Write file converter functions for importing/exporting/displaying fnt files
- Write tests that compute the md5 signature for all extracted MM6-8 resources to insure the basic unpacking code is still valid.
- Find a better way to locate
- Somehow find installation directory for MM6-8 and make the default path point to one of them?
- Create handler mechanism so LodFileLoader can be versioned and no longer referenced in org.gamenet.
- Create loader mechanism for loading various LOD file types rather than hardcoding them in LodFileLoader
→ mkienenb